Content marketing services


Content marketing has gone from an exciting new marketing concept to an essential marketing powerhouse for pretty much every business. Today, your content needs to reach your audience in a way that feels natural (a.k.a. inbound). ***Inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that pulls people IN to your business and brand.***

Content Marketing is a method for businesses to educate, inform, entertain and inspire the action of existing and potential customers or clients. Content marketing promotes the product or service by raising brand awareness and by shaping consumer perception. For example, if you are a real estate agent you would love to tell your potential buyers about the area you specialise in, about real estate market news or major developments around the area. You also would love to inform potential sellers or landlords about market predictions or trends in real estate in a particular suburb. You might like to give some tips on how to get a better price for the house and many other aspects that might be interesting for your potential clients.

There are many types of content marketing: 1. Blog content marketing 2. Public relationship content marketing 3. Podcast content marketing 4. Infographic content marketing 5. Video content marketing 6. Paid Advertisement

In other words, content marketing is all about your potential clients! Instead of just trying to sell your products and services, you are providing your audience with valuable, relevant and high-quality information that they can use to educate themselves and improve their lives. In return, you gain the trust and become known for your own expertise in the field and attract more clients/customers for your business.

Content marketing is not the same thing as marketing with content. It is customer-focused, answering important customer questions and meeting their needs and challenges.

A critical factor in your content marketing is relevance. What are your customer’s challenges, pain points, and needs? That’s what you should be writing about, not producing a commercial for your brand.  On the contrary, advertising, even digital ads, leads to overexposure and saturation. You haven’t attempted to build a relationship with your audience. Instead, you’ve only captured a story about your brand as the star with no room for the real hero, your customer.

No content marketing strategy is going to be effective if it’s not goal-driven. Why is this so important? For starters, the marketing content anyone is exposed to at any given time is never random. 

Why rent a platform when you can own it?

Media platforms got rich on this model of allowing you to rent their platforms to share your message - rate my agent or product reviews or various directories and so on. The investment you make in building traffic to your website belongs to you. As a result, your website is a digital asset that you own.

So think of it this way: you increase the value of your business when you invest in digital marketing.  And content marketing is a way to own media as opposed to renting it.

A key to success in content marketing is that the information must be both valuable and relevant to your target customers. It takes a commitment to consistency with content. Above all, this is what both the search algorithms and your ideal customer need to build your brand authority and domain authority.

What does content marketing involve?

  • Setting up your marketing automation tools ( including your own Newsletter system)
  • Setting up 'blog' categories 3 - email marketing it won't be the only tactic involved with your content marketing strategy. It will include work on SEO
  • Setting content marketing objectives and plan for 6 months (*editorial content calendar)
  • Investing time in analytics to regularly monitor the progress and results for content marketing campaigns.
  • Keywords research
  • Planning strategies for leads generation and list building

A blog doesn’t constitute a content marketing strategy

Yes, blogging matters substantially in content marketing, but simply having a blog does not make you a content marketer.

The mistake many businesses make is that they think all they have to do is create content. In turn, it becomes just advertising not content for inbound marketing.

An article that should explain how you make a customer’s life easier turns into a commercial about the business.

It’s not about posting on social media

Social media’s value comes from bringing people back to your website!

Experts' Definition of Content Marketing

Content marketing creates a financial asset. It allows businesses to reach, engage, and convert customers they would have never seen by using the keywords customers use and creating the content they consume on their own websites to answer those questions.

Joe Pulizzi from Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as:

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Neil Patel: “[It’s] a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis.”